11 Interesting Graphic Design Statistics That You Should Know 

By using computer software, graphic designers find a variety of ways to communicate ideas and inform, inspire, or catch the attention of customers and other audiences. This is because the main set of skills or work that graphic designers do is everything that is associated with visual concepts. The scope of graphic design is increasing rapidly and graphic design statistics indicate a significant transition from print to screen and an increasing significance of quality visual material. 

Here are some intriguing facts about graphic design that you should be aware of. They throw light on the landscape of graphic design careers, the influence of design on businesses, and much more.

Graphic design career  Statistics

graphic design career  statistics

1. Male and female ratio in graphic design 

Depending on the source, there are different gender splits among graphic artists. One report claims that 63% of graphic designers are women and 37% are men. According to another estimate, women make up 50.2% of graphic designers while males make up 49.8%.

There has been a noticeable increase in the number of female graphic designers in India. Increasing numbers of women are seeking professions in graphic design, which is changing the gender ratio.

2. Graphic designer as a freelancer 

The number of graphic designers selecting freelancing as their preferred way of employment has steadily increased in India. In the nation, between 40 and 50 percent of graphic designers increasingly choose freelancing over formal employment. The change was influenced by a number of elements, including a strong desire for creative freedom, the allure of flexible work schedules, and the chance to work on a variety of projects for various clients. The sizeable freelancing population in India greatly contributes to the flourishing and ever-evolving graphic design scene there.

3.The average salary of a graphic designer Worldwide

The typical salary of graphic designers in India after completing a Diploma in Graphic design may vary depending on a number of factors, which causes income levels to vary across the country.  Graphic designers in India earn a variety of salaries depending on factors including experience, location, and skill set. Compared to entry-level designers, senior graphic designers frequently earn between INR 2-4 lakhs per year.

Web Design and Logos Statistics

 web design and logos statistics

The focus is clearly on site design and logos in the vibrant world of Indian business. These aesthetic elements have a significant impact on how consumers view businesses, creating lasting impressions that ultimately determine a company’s success.

1. First impressions are design-related

 The first user experience of a website or a brand frequently depends on design. Indian companies are very aware of this fact and understand how an attractive logo or well-designed website may leave a lasting impression on their target market. Therefore, creating aesthetically appealing, user-friendly websites and memorable logos is becoming increasingly important.

2. Small businesses spend on logo

Indian small enterprises are becoming more aware of the power of a strong visual identity. They are gradually allocating funds to start their careers as professional logo designers. Their reasoning is based on the knowledge that a beautifully designed logo does much more than simply represent a business; it also improves brand awareness and credibility.

3. Companies invest in brand design

Indian businesses are undergoing a branding development on the corporate level. They are putting a lot of money into comprehensive brand design strategies instead of just concentrating on logos. This requires keeping aesthetic aspects consistent throughout a range of marketing products, including websites, brochures, and commercials.

4. Color has a significant impact on the success of a design

In the worlds of design aesthetics and psychological marketing, colour plays a crucial role. Indian companies are quite aware of the significance of colour in their design decisions. Different hues might cause customers to react and feel in different ways. The choice of a suitable colour scheme requires careful planning.

5.  Human brains and visual data 

The processing of visual information by the human brain is faster than that of written information. Businesses are utilising visual material, which includes photos and videos, to successfully communicate their messages in India in order to take advantage of this phenomena. Engaging graphics are essential for marketing and brand communication since they not only grab viewers’ attention but also improve comprehension and memory.

General Graphic Design Statistics

Graphic design exists at the crossroads of creativity and communication, and its impact reaches well beyond the realms of basic aesthetics. We go into important graphic design statistics in this part to show how they have a tremendous effect on many areas of our life.

General Graphic Design Statistics

1. Color improves readership Purchasing decisions are influenced by the visual dimension

A key element of graphic design statistics, colour, has a significant impact on how we engage with material. The striking statistic in this case is how colour may increase readership. According to research, material with carefully chosen, complementary colours may increase readership by an amazing 80%.

2. Producing graphic design assets consistently is the biggest challenge for companies

The aesthetic aspect shows up as a strong factor in influencing purchase decisions. According to surveys, a startling 93% of customers say that a product’s aesthetic appeal is a key element in determining whether they would buy it or interact with the brand.

 When creating these visual experiences, graphic designers act as architects. To captivate and engage consumers, they carefully craft product packaging, create compelling commercials, and maintain aesthetically appealing websites.

3. Consumer perceptions are shaped by design

Effective graphic design influences consumer perceptions and purchasing decisions by communicating the brand’s identity and values in addition to showcasing items.

How Animaster Can Help You to Become a Successful Graphic designer?

1. Animaster offers a thorough graphic design curriculum in its Diploma in Graphic design that explores both fundamental concepts and cutting-edge methods. You get a thorough understanding of design theory, a command of critical software, and useful design skills as a result of this intensive experience.

2. The Graphic design Course in Bangalore offered by Animaster is painstakingly created in association with leaders in the field. By doing this, you can make sure that your education is always in line with the latest requirements and trends in the industry of graphic design. You’ll come out ready to satisfy the demands of potential employers or customers.

3. Animaster focuses a strong emphasis on the necessity of practical experience for success in graphic design. You’ll get the chance to build a strong portfolio through practical projects and internships. This portfolio serves as your platform for showcasing your developing abilities and talents to potential employers in the future.

4. Animaster takes great pleasure in its state-of-the-art design studios, which are outfitted with the newest creative software. With this access, you may learn how to use tools and technologies that are common in your business, giving you a competitive advantage.

5. Animaster faculty is made up of seasoned academicians who are passionate about design. They go over and above the course framework, to provide individualized coaching and mentoring. This mentorship not only fosters your development but also helps you hone your unique design approach and style in its Diploma in Graphic design. 


Ques: 1 How many businesses believe that design is important for their brand identity

   Ans: About 95% of firms are aware of the crucial role that design plays in defining their brand identity. They are aware that communicating the personality and values of their brand to customers depends on features like logos, colour schemes, and visual consistency.

Ques: 2 How important is visual content in social media marketing

 Ans: According to studies, postings with photos or videos have engagement rates up to 650% greater than ones with simple text. Visuals are essential to successful social media tactics because they naturally catch attention and deliver information quickly.

Ques:3 What is the average attention span for online content?

Ans: The average web user has a remarkably short attention span, which is just 8 seconds. In the quick-paced digital environment of today, material must quickly grab and hold the audience’s attention. This emphasises how crucial it is to have catchy headlines, memorable graphics, and clear messaging.

Ques:4 Are 90% of graphic designers freelancers?

Ans:  No, it is not totally true that 90% of graphic designers work as independent contractors. While many graphic designers choose to work as independent contractors, the exact number varies according to geographical locations and market conditions. Depending on characteristics like experience and specialization, the percentage of freelancers in some industries may be lower, often ranging from 30% to 40%.

Read More: Tips To Become a Best Graphic Designer